online exhibitions, we are expecting our students to feel “I DID IT”.
Even if they will not have a career in manga or painting, I would like students and especially children to accumulate the feelings of accomplishments.
Because it can be tough sometimes to create comics but there are many to learn from the procedure.
There will be times when they make mistakes and have to rewrite and rewrite... which can make them frustrated. However, they
at last show their final works to people through exhibitions. By accumulating the feeling of accomplishments such as “I DID IT” and confidence, we have seen many students have changed in a great way. Students who have been
attending our Dojo since elementary school have joined the art club, and their works have been selected for prizes.
We hope to continue online exhibitions run and make the places where our students can show their works
and experience a sense of accomplishment and help to be creators of the future.

One of our lessons